If at all possible we will go see "Jack" as soon as we can get there after he is born. If Dave is working a different direction or part of the state, we may have to wait. I don't drive in bigger towns than Mason City, anymore. (I use to, but am not use to it anymore, and can't turn my neck much anymore (because of my neck and back problems) so don't think I should push myself to drive more. I drive enough to get to the store, the doctor, the drug store, the hospital or the mall downtown. But Mason City is only 29,000 people! Cedar Rapids is about 2 X that, and a little over 2 hours away and I don't think I could or should drive there (though I would have at one time.)
I think I am going to forever think of this baby as "Jack" now that Tim started that. It started as a joke, a nickname for Tim and Patti to call him, until he was born. But I think of "Jack" all the time. I think when I first see him, no matter what THEY name him, I will say, "Oh Jack, I love you! Welcome to our world!" LOL
I can't wait to see and meet "Jack!!" Maybe he will always be "Jack" to me?? LOL Yep, this is getting exciting!
Well, I am getting a bit pleasingly plump (HA like there is no such thing to me about gaining ANY weight that is "PLEASING" to me in any way!!),like Grandma's use to be at least-- but it wasn't part of my plan in becoming a grandmother, but that's a whole other issue.
Love ya!!!
((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))))))))Congrats,you will have fun being a Grandma.I am sorry you are in so much pain.Have a nice day.
big Congrats to you and what will your "name" be to your grandchild? Mine is nana and my hubby is papa. No matter what your called, it will be with love I'm sure. The "Jack" name whether named or not will be a cute story for him as he gets older. lol lol I too was kind of unprepared to be granmother and tried to be called "Nan" short for nana and nancy but it was not to be I guess as she called me nana. lol lol I think it ends up to be exactly what it should be!! Enjoy!!!
Hey, I like the name Jack too. Those simple names are always pleasant. And as far as the pleasantly plump, what about us gals who arent grandmas?...Like me...I think the extra cushion is a cool thing at least far better than bones. ~Raven
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